My teacher divided our class into groups of five so we could tell other students about our film ideas and blogs, we also gave each other feedback to help everyone improve.
Once we started the meeting I talked about my ideas and blogs (which I will discuss in another post later this week), and afterwards Candelaria Rush talked about hers. She is going to make a film with the genre sports drama, it will be about a gymnast and her rival. She is planning on filming in Tag Gymnastics with lots of bright lighting and featuring her gymnast friend as the main character. She is going to emphasize the rivalry by having the protagonist's outfit and style be bright and more colorful like the images below...
She does an amazing jo in writing her blog it feel natural and like you are talking right to her. She has kept up with frequently posting and each blog is detailed with many photos and links which really helps me understand what she is talking about.
Audrey Pangalangan is making the film opening a psychological thriller about a man that goes insane, her explanation was a bit unclear and confusing, but she clearly had a set idea of exactly what she wants to do. From what I understood she is planning on the setting being her house or her dads bar, she wants the main character to stand out (kind of like the joker) from the rest with bright red theme while other characters are in muted greens, blues, and beiges. She later settled on a plot with a bit of help from the group which still needs more explanation, it will be that everyone starts out in their different muted colors but as they get corrupted, they will start to change into the (likely red) main characters color, which will be obvious due to how bright it is. I think with a little more she can better flesh out the idea for her opening, but it mostly seems like she knows it but not how to put it into words. Overall, her opening seems interesting and I'm excited to see how it ends up looking in the end.
Main character inspiration. |
Audrey's blog is linked here: Audrey's blog
She has very little links and photos (plus the theme is veryyy cute) however she has very long a detailed paragraphs which describe a ton of the information so well that I understand everything very well. She is attempting to be more consistent with posting and it seems she is. Her idea appears like it will become a very intense film that I can't wait to hear more about.
Alexis Lee's opening is a psychological horror which features a schizophrenic main character, casual clothing, lowkey lighting, and dark blueish color schemes. She didn't really have a solid plot/foundation except for the fact that she wanted to include these ideas, so we tried to help her create an idea, but we didn't really get to a solution. She also has a fun idea for the opening credits which is to have them be items that fly by and turn into credits (like the film Deadpool). She would like her setting to be in a house but she's not entirely sure yet. I can kind of envision what she is thinking when she was explaining it to us but it's a little hard to give recommendations without a plot to go off of, so we didn't have a lot of feedback however I feel like she's off to a good start.
Alexis's blog is linked here: Alexis's blog
Unfortunately, I am unable to open her blog from device no matter hox many times I try so I am unable to give any recommendations about the blog especially since we didn't really discuss hers in detail in class.
Paula Torres did not have a film opening plot yet or access to her blog, so I was unable to assess either. As a group we tried to support and inspire her ideas for the project, like doing about one of her interests or something she knows a lot about. She has fallen behind on her blogs, but she does seem genuinely interested in improving and catching back up so I am interested in seeing what she ends up coming up with.
Feedback: I received some feedback on my film idea and blogs that I would like to talk about in order to continue improving on the positives and to work on the negatives...
-The group helped me decided that my openings genre was classic horror
- They suggested to only really use low key lighting
-They thought my idea was well thought out
-They suggested to make my scenes slow and drag out to better achieve that classic horror feel with less jumps from one thing to the next
-They felt I was doing well with consistent and efficient blog posts
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