Friday, February 7, 2025

Horror Film Openings

    Here I listed 3 different horror film openings that I think could inspire my portfolio project. I will be talking about each of the openings and how they can impact my project.

A Quiet Place (2018) 

Opening scene:

    The opening scene of A Quiet Place uses the film opening create mystery to set the tone for the rest of the film. The opening introduces the viewers to the post apocalyptic world where the alien like creatures hunt through their acute sense of sound. The film begins with a shot of a deserted street with a family walking barefoot. They are in an abandoned store collecting supplies, they are walking on their tip toes insinuating that they are trying to be as quiet as possible, however they are acting as if these errands are regular. This and their panic when the little boy almost drops a toy causes the audience to wonder what is going. Finally the opening ends with a brief moment as the boy is killed by the creature and the screen goes black the audience is left frozen in shock which sets the theme for the rest of the movie. The use of sound is the most important element in this film/opening. Having such minimal sound places the audience into the characters world, by having only diegetic sounds used and emphasized in moments where the characters need to be quiet shows the impact of sound in their world. This specific use creates a sense of uneasiness and tension, preparing the audience for the horrors to come.

    There are many ways that techniques from A Quiet Place that can be utilized in the project, especially the utilization of sound. For the project we can work on highlighting sound, experimenting with foley, and creating a sense of discomfort through visuals. For example, we can use some longer shots with slow camera panning to create tension while also allowing the audience to embrace the setting. Moreover, we can use diegetic sound instead of just music overlay to create a sense of realism and make the horror aspect seem more believable/plausible. We can also experiment with foley to create unique sounds for what visuals are being displayed such as some foley techniques used in the quiet place. These techniques can be used to create anticipation and tension to make the audience feel off/uneasy even if all the aspects aren't yet reveled. 

    This is a video showing techniques that were used to create some foley sounds for A Quiet Place which can help influence and inspire us in our project.


Jaws (1975)


Opening scene:

     The opening scene in Jaws is a conflict opening of Character vs. Nature, the opening is iconic in building tension and suspense. It begins with a shot of a young woman swimming alone in the ocean at night. The camera pans across the water, showing the darkness of the environment and how isolated the girl is. Suddenly the music changes to a score, and ominous two note theme that increases in intensity. This score signals the presence of the shark, it attacks quick and brutally, dragging the woman underwater. The opening ends with a shot of the shark's fin gliding through the water and leaves audiences with a sense of shock and dread. The setting/envirorment is a huge aspect of the opening as well as the shark itself. The dark and mysterious enviroment already creeps out viewers, making them stressed even before the theme changes to one of danger. The films main atagonist Jaws is reveled right away although its figure is kept more hidden to allow a more intense revela later but it still strikes fear through its harsh kill right in the begginibg of the film. 

    Techniques that can be used from Jaws opening is creating vulnerability and isolation. For example having victims in a vlnerable state where they are alone or helpless can create more anxiety and suspense for the audience who already feel that their is no hope for the character. Additionally using music and sound effects can help influence the audience into feeling a certain way, especially by giving the antagonist a theme song/score which signals their presence so whenever the audience/characters hear it they know that something is about to go down, this creates anticipation and dread. WE can use these techniques with enviroment, sound, and character developement to create an opening that causes anxiety and fear before the main aspecs are even fully revelaed.

    This artices dives a bot deeper into the developement of some of Jaws features as well as sercing as a resoure for futher research or inspiration: Jaws Article. This video is a about some of the effects used in the movie that we can look at when working on the project.


Scream (1996)


Opening scene:

     The opening scene of scream is an establishing background opening that seems earily possible to occur and makes viewers feel uncomfortable and anxious which sets the tone of intrige and analyzation of who coud be the killer for the rest of the film. The scene begins with a shot of a woman making popcirn and asnwering a phone call from a mysterious stranger who seems to be charming at first. The conversation starts out friendly but quickly turns sinister and nerve racking as the stranger reveals he is watching the woman and has killed her boyfriend. It ends with the woman being murdered and her parents coming across the scene. This leaves the audience wondering/investigating who the killer could be and what are their motives for the rest of the film. This opening scene does an amazing job of capturing a horrified teen faced with the chance of being murdered. It creates a very stressful experience for the audience as they the scene is so realistic they can emphasize with the girls emotion. It also is very unique in the way that it has audiences trying to predict the plot and investigate every detail of the film moving forward to find the killer.

    These techniques of starting of the film with a character that the audience feels emotions towards and then immediately killing her off sets the ruthless tone of the film and how the movie dosent mind killing off ny characters they please. It creates a sense of unpredictability as you never know the possiblities of what could happen next. The film also makes characters seem obvoous to be the antagonist only to kill them off and have viewers start investigating all over again. This uncertainty, questioning, and mystery can be used in the film opening by making teh antagonist seem less evil only ti later reveal the full extent of their ruthlessness later or to create a stiry that seemsto be predictable only for shocking revelas amd plt twists t occur. Also making the situation seem overall poretty realistic is a hood techniwue for the opening as it makes the audience feel that this horrible act could happen to them and creates a real sense of fear and dread towards the viewer.

    This is a video about some of the behind the scens of scream that can influence the film Scream Behind the Scenes, and this is a vdieo about the location of the scream house that can help inspire us when decideing on a location for a horro film opening.


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