Sunday, February 16, 2025

Media Theory

     There are many kinds of media theory however which theory should I include in my project? I have really taken an interest in the Narrative Code - Proairetic/Action Code. I believe there are many ways this can be included in our film after re-reading our script and it seems very fitting for the mysterious vibe.

    This code is when the plot point leads to other actions that make viewers wonder what will happen next. I think this will be used in my project through plot points like: seeing flashbacks to the crime and getting a notification that someone has arrived. It makes the audience wonder what will occur tonight and who the man arriving is/what will happen to him. 

I also think that Gender Performativity Theory is included to the extent that it means gender roles are not natural but societal constructs, it is a performance of gender from an understanding of gender due to repeated gender roles. This is used in the opening by having a female serial killer which is not typically expected of the gender and having her do tasks that seem typical of the gender such as cooking/setting the table. She shouldn't be expected to be so sinister especially since she is following these norms. 

    I think either of these theories could be used/emphasized within the project however I believe that I am pushing the gender performativity and would like to focus more on integrating the Action Code media theory.

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2nd group meeting

    We recently had our second group meeting, in my group there was Keyla Seoane Vega,  Benjamin Marchan,  Will Cullen, and Santiago Racca. ...