Thursday, March 13, 2025

2nd group meeting

    We recently had our second group meeting, in my group there was Keyla Seoane Vega, Benjamin Marchan, Will Cullen, and Santiago Racca. So I am going to individually talk about each other projects, our advice, and the feedback I received.

    Keyla told us about her project titled "Falling Through The Rosebush". Her genre is a psychological drama and period piece about a girl named Lily in the 1800's who saw her twin sister commit suicide and went insane due to the experience. Due to her being of high class the family didn't want to ruin their image with her insanity so they got her lobotomized. This procedure made her forget about her sister and caused her to be forgetful, clueless, and childlike. These symptoms will be shown through color by saturating the colors of the opening to be more vibrant like a child would see the world. The movie will consist of her finding out about her sisters existence and essentially going crazy again while attempting to solve the mystery of what had happened. The story will be told through a narration of her writing in her diary, during her narration she will sometimes repeat phrases due to now being forgetful from the procedure. The title is called "Falling Through the Rosebush" because Lily's twins name was Rose. Her opening will begin in a field setting with Lily looking at the clouds, frolicking. She will have a regency kind of dress that is long white and flowy (Keyla is in drama and she acquired this dress already for a play so she will conveniently be able to use that). Her credits are going to be shown in a cursive written looking font during a scene showing Lily's notebook in order to smoothly integrate them into the opening. The opening will end with Lily's mother calling her to dinner, as she passes a tree her title and new background music will being that will hint at the horrors of her past.

    I really loved Keyla's idea for the film opening, I was very interested and she had so many details well thought out. When she was explaining it I felt like I was listening to the plot of a real movie and I really wish I could watch it. We did not really have any negative feedback for Keyla since her ideas were so amazing, any question we asked she could answer. She has already finished filming and is currently working on editing, show showed us some clips and they look amazing and exactly what I pictured when she was describing them!

    Next Benjamin Marchan presented his idea which is titled "Offseason". His genre is a sports drama. It is about 2 best friend practicing for football during the offseason, it showcases their friendship and bond. A climax of the movie is that they will go through an argument but ultimately forgive each other and fix their relationship. The setting will be a football field (Tequesta trace football fields), a weight room (at school), a track (Tequesta parks track) and at houses. Benjamin will be in the film as well as his real life best friend. The lighting will be very natural and warm. He is going to have the credits integrated into the background such as written on posters or objects. 

    During the meeting he asked us which of a few name options he though of were best and we said that Offseason would be the best one. We also suggested that he integrates the credits into the background as it seemed better for his film and more interesting than other ideas. We also recommended that his movie would show the perspective of both friend in situations so we would see both of their perspectives, so his film be interesting because the 2 main characters will be equally important. An example of this is that if friend #1 suggested that friend #2 rest since he looked tired friend #2's perspective would show friend #1 saying he's weak, it displays how both friends depict each others words. I though the idea seems interesting and would be a fun movie to watch, it was well though of out and appears like he really enjoys his idea.

    After him I presented my project idea. I didn't really receive any feedback, they said they liked my idea and my title. They asked a few questions about genre and plot, their looked at my blog and said they really liked my horror scene. I don't think I explained my opening to well so they might been a bit confused on the plot.

    Next Will Cullen presented his project which doesn't have a title yet and is in the sports drama genre. The opening begins with the character being late to work at a golf course, when he gets to work his boss yells at him and he sees an attractive girl. Their is a slow-mo of the two seeing each other and he wants to get to know her more so he starts playing golf to get the girl. The title will be shown in the opening on a golf ball flying towards the camera and shattering it. Their will be a clear cover protecting the camera with a shattering effect. His credits will be a clean font with a color opposite from the background. His location will be in Bonaventure golf course, the main actor will be played by himself and the love interest is not yet selected. 

    He has already filmed some parts but not everything, we suggested to maybe not make the credits color the exact opposite as the background as it will usually be green golf fields and we don't think purple credits will fit the vibe of the film. We also tried helping him think of a name but we didn't come up with anything too good. His film was well thought out and sees interesting, I thin he just needs to make the plot a bit more detailed and give the character some clearer motives. 

    The last person to present their film opening was Santiago Racca and his genre is a thriller. His movie will be about a kidnapping where the character keeps escaping and being captured again, to the kidnapper this is a sick game, at the end of the film the character finally escapes. It will include a lot of suspense and low key lighting. The opening will just show him in the middle of escaping and being recaptured. The location is at his house and mostly his garage. I though the plot seems cool and he has already filmed/worked on editing which looked really good compared to the already fantastic raw footage. I really like his plot and he has made a lot of progress.

    I found this group meeting very interesting and it was very fun to hear about everyone's films and see their progress.

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2nd group meeting

    We recently had our second group meeting, in my group there was Keyla Seoane Vega,  Benjamin Marchan,  Will Cullen, and Santiago Racca. ...