Sunday, March 2, 2025

Filming part one

     We started of our filming with the first couple of beginning scenes only up to the second frame of the 2nd page on the story board (up to the wine pouring in the script).


    So, this is how the first part of our filming went: First, we met up at Victoria's house at around sunset, our films setting is at dinner which is during night, so we needed it to be dark outside. While we waited for the sun to go down, we cleaned up the area we would be filing first (the dining table) and we moved all our props to the kitchen counter out of the camera's site. We then set up the lights and stands for the camera. We messed around with the lighting until we found a warmth we liked. It was finally getting dark outside, and filming has begun.

    We tried to film the majority of our scenes in chronological order to make sure that everything was accurate and there were no inconsistencies. We wanted to have the versatility of deciding between different shots in editing, so we took more than 3 attempts per shot. First we filmed the main character walking up to the record player placing in a vinyl, playing it and walking away. This took many shits because I was having a lot of troble turing on teh recird player and smoothly putting teh vinyl in, their were so many steps that I was forgtting when I would actualy walk up and do it even though I have a record playter at home and normally do this. I was also worries to mess up because I didnt want to break Victoria's record player or scratch her vinyl so it was definiteky stressful. I was also feeling uneasy since we just started filming but once I finally started feeling comfortable, we got a decent shot. We let the camera record the vinyl playing and also another angle of it for a long time so we could decide exactly when we wanted to move on when we edited it with the song.

    After the vinyl shots we filmed the whole table setting scene which we decided to shoot each part in a close up and long shot so that in editing we could decide which was best, this made the process a lot lengthier, but I think it was definitely for the best. This also allows us to decide where to integrate our credits which we talked about having revealed in the credits post. The first thing we did to set the table was putting down the tablecloth, I really liked this shot because the camera was on the table and the tablecloth fell over it in the most perfect way it was amazing. The rest of the shots were pretty monotonous long/close u shots of me putting down the placemats, silverware, napkins, plates, flower vase and candles. For each of the shots we filmed the long shots first to keep them similar and vice versa for the close ups. I struggled a bit making sure that everything was placed evenly with the other side as well as making sure that the close ups and long shots has all the props in the same exact positions but I think the difference between the shots are unnoticeable. 

   The last part of this sections filming was the placing down of the wine glasses and going to open the wine opener when the oven going off interrupts the character. This shot was so beautiful in my opinion, just the lighting a composition of the scene looked so gorgeous, especially the way the light from the candles lights up on the glasses. I feel like overall this filming was successful, all the problem I talked about were very minimal and easily solved, I was very happy with the shits and our decision to keep the character faceless till the very end made her so much more ominous/mysterious as well as making filming so much easier because I didn't have to be acting with my face. I was able to talk to my teammates and better follow instructions/co-operate by being able to discuss with them.

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2nd group meeting

    We recently had our second group meeting, in my group there was Keyla Seoane Vega,  Benjamin Marchan,  Will Cullen, and Santiago Racca. ...