Thursday, March 13, 2025
2nd group meeting
Sunday, March 9, 2025
For question #1 of the CCR which is: How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? I was trying really hard to think of ideas to create the first media product that creatively respond to the question and display my personality.
For this question I would first have to
1. Start by discussing genre conventions (cite where I found this information).
2. Discuss which genre conventions I chose to challenge or discuss why I chose not to challenge genre conventions.
3. End with a discussion of representation. (Representation refers to the choices made in how individuals, groups, events, and issues are illustrated within a production).
So, I was thinking that for the first media product I would be making a podcast. This media product would include the 1st and 4th question but I will discuss how I work with the 4th question in a later post.
So, for my podcast I am going to have it feature a host who interviews media producers (influencers, producers etc.). I am going to incorporate Intro music and sound effects to make the products more like a real podcast. I am also going to make sure to write a script that is all audio based, descriptive, and clear. I am definitely going to make sure that my voice is very clear since audio is the main key factor to the whole project. And the last thing I need to do is have a sponsor/add for my podcast that I will talk about between question 1 & 4, this product will be media influenced so I am thinking it will advertise a microphone for audio recording since I am in an audio podcast.
The only visual element I will have is a image cover for the podcast which I see they have on Spotify. It hard for me to explain so this is an example:
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Color Grading
Friday, March 7, 2025
Line edit
We have started our editing process by making a basic line edit of all the footage we want in the final product.
We began this process by following the script to insert each piece in order, when we were putting the footage in order, we used process of elimination to decide which take we liked best for each scene. However, we left both the closeup and long shot versions for the table setting section of the film because we are still undecided on what is best and need to figure out which of the options is more suitable for how we want to incorporate our credits.
After doing this the film is around 18 minutes long which was not ideal because it will require a lot of tough decisions on what to cut from the final product, however we were grateful not to have too little film. This also was not that big of an issue because the main reasons it was so long is due to some duplicate of scenes in close up and long shot, we also have about two clips that run for a long time so we can decide what's best, but they will be much shorter.
Due to this being so long we began by cropping the clips to cut out parts where we have mistakes or haven't started acting yet, this shortened the product to around 6 minutes. We still need to decide on music for the film which has been a major struggle for us as we can't find any that we think fit the exact vibe we are trying to have, we also need to record our foley. Not having the music or foley yet is delaying the editing process because certain aspects need to smoothly correlate with the music. Another thing delaying our process in not yet having our title card and credits, we need to have these so we can find a way to incorporate them in the film and further editing isn't really possible without them.
I think the line edit went smoothly but it definitely brought to light that we really need to get these steps done r editing isn't very possible. In the meantime, we will start by color grading the clips and cutting more out to bring the film closer to the 2-minute maximum.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Filming Part 2
This portion of filming is about after the scene where the wine pouring was interrupted by the oven beeping. Located at this scene on the story board:
After the oven had beeped interrupting the wine opening, we put the camera in the oven, and I could be seen opening the oven and taking out the dinner (a rotisserie chicken that Juan bought. I though this shot was more interesting than just filming me opening the oven from behind or the side, it gave us more unique shots. I shut the oven door and then we had an overhead shot of me seasoning the chicken and bringing it to the table, followed by another shot from above of me chopping some cucumber for a salad that was in the top right third of the shot. As the character was cutting the cucumber one rolled of the cutting board, as she was picking it up from the floor in an over the shoulder shot she was still holding the knife and there is a flashback in red lighting of her in the same position but instead with a dead body in the background, bloody gloves on her hand, and the knife covered in blood. After the scene returns back to normal of her holding the knife and cucumber, she walks over to the trash and throws away the cucumber, there is a tracking shot of the cucumber into the trashcan which contains bloody napkins and gloves from the aftermath of the flashback scene. Elena than goes back to cutting the cucumber and scoping them into the salad bowl.

Then she brings the salad to the table and as she's putting the bowl down, she receives a notification from twitter on her phone. The camera pans up to show all her messages from messages that were delivered week ago to the most recent notification. All the messages consisted of the same information that the man had arrived at her house however they were all from different people and the last thing they had sent. This reveals that whatever happened Elena never talks to them again, and since there are so many similar messages that leaves the audience suspicious and assuming of what happened at Elena's dinners.
Elena is shown from a low angle looking at her phone smirking which shows her malicious intent. The doorbell then rings and in editing there will be a cut to a black screen with the movie's title "Manslaughter". We are working on designing the title and also deciding if we make it on word "Manslaughter" or split it up in two words " Man Slaughter", or if it should be one word with both parts titles "ManSlaughter" or dash between the two "Man-Slaughter". It seems unimportant but there are so many options and feel like each one has a different vibe, so we need to work on that. After the title card it cuts back to Elena walking towards the front door to open it which shows that its only the beginning of the film and there's more to come.
We didn't really have any issues with this part of filming except for
1. I was SOOOO hard to make the cucumber roll of the cutting board naturally without looking like I purposefully smacked it off so that took a couple shots to get right.
2. I could not smirk well for the scene where I smirk at the phone. It always looked unnatural or just plain happy with no deeper emotion, so I don't know how I feel about that part and maybe refilming it at some point with more practice to make it look better for the final film. I feel like it throws of the film, I am just not an amazing actor with facials so I will have to see how I feel about it later.
I think overall the filming was very successful and went smoothly, we didn't have a lot of issues and the ones we had were able to be solved quickly. My team and I have been very cooperative with each other so and have had mostly the same thoughts. I think our editing is going smoothly the only issue is we have a lot of film but at least we have many options and not too little film.
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Filming part one
We started of our filming with the first couple of beginning scenes only up to the second frame of the 2nd page on the story board (up to the wine pouring in the script).
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Prop Setback
Another prop we needed was fake blood, luckily I found some fake blood with props for Halloween costumes. However we had an issue, while this fake blood looked incredibly realistic and we could definitely put it on other props like the knife it stains. This means we couldn’t put it on the floor or “dead” body without it staining. So how could we solve this issue? This is our fake blood for props that we don’t need to worry about staining -
We began by thinking of other red substances that we could modify to make them appear like blood, this alternative wouldn’t be as close to the camera anyway as the body/blood was in the background. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find anything red that wouldn’t stain except ketchup which definitely didn’t have the right color or textural look. Then we realized that since the scene with blood was being filmed in red lighting that the blood appeared darker/blacker so other products could appear similar even if they weren’t red. We experimented with different liquids and sauces when we finally settle on a mixture of soy sauce and another sauce, I forgot the name of. I believe it ended up looking pretty realistic and this is how it looks under normal vs. red lighting -
2nd group meeting
We recently had our second group meeting, in my group there was Keyla Seoane Vega, Benjamin Marchan, Will Cullen, and Santiago Racca. ...
The two possible genre choices for my project that I will be researching are horror and crime. I choose to research these because they app...
The camera shots quiz assessment was to choose 1-2 inanimate objects to create a visual story consisting of 15 shots. These shots had to in...
I learned the importance of sounds in films. When recording movies and shows filming is focused on the characters dialogue and all other s...